Claims Of Election Fraud Still Going Strong
Court losses haven’t deterred conservatives from pursuing even a sliver of voting irregularities.
At a rally in Oshkosh, Wis. August 2020, Former President Donald Trump talked up the idea that the election is rigged if he lost to Joe Biden (a hypothetical situation he previously entertained and would so after the rally).
“We have to win the election. We can’t play games. Go out and vote. Do those beautiful absentee ballots, or just make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure because the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”
Fast-forward to January 6th 2021 to the Stop The Steal rally in Washington, D.C., headlined none other than by Trump, which later morphed into an attack on the U.S. Capitol after his departure.
Five people died in the ensuing attack and it marked a dark day for democracy as the world watched in disbelief, confusion, and horror.
Despite all of this, there are still holdouts who believe the election results were fabricated to ensure that Biden and Harris won.
Two states accused of voter fraud
Trump and his allies lost over dozens of court cases or have had them thrown out at the state and federal level.
Dominion Voting Systems has been going on a suing spree against those who claimed their machines were rigged.
None of this, however, have deterred conservatives from alleging that there was widespread voter fraud and pursuing action.
And to their credit — there’s been some meaningful action on their part.
Here’s where we’re currently at.
Attorney Matthew S. DePerno is currently representing William Bailey of Central Lake Township.
In November, Bailey alleged that election fraud was happening in Antrim County and potentially across the state.
In legal terms, Bailey argued the Dominion Voting Systems machines were tampered with to produce results in favor of Biden. The lawsuit also includes accusations that the state didn’t utilize federal grant money to properly train staff to use Dominion’s machines and instead took nonprofit grant money from Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg which installed “so-called Zucker-boxes” throughout Michigan.
Human error and other discrepancies in Antrim County’s elections explained
The software Dominion utilizes Election Source recognized Joe Biden as the winner and displayed now-President Joe Biden as the winner over former President Donald Trump, 7,769 to 4,509.
It was baffling to the Republican-leaning county; everyone in the county was certain they had more than enough votes to beat Biden.
A hand recount determined that their suspicions were correct: Trump indeed won Antrim County.
It was later determined by county and state officials that the mistake was due to human error.
While there was no evidence of deliberate software deficiencies or fraud as the lawsuit alluded to, state officials were pressured into letting third-parties examine why such as discrepancy occurred in the first place.
Computer security and specialist J. Alex Halderman identified there were deeper issues than just human error or software error.
Halderman explained, “County staff, who finished generating the initial unofficial results at 4 a.m. on election night, apparently did not review them closely enough to detect the obvious discrepancies before publishing them.”
“A few hours later, Antrim learned that the initial results were erroneous and took them down. Staff manually entered results from the poll tapes for the affected scanners, and the county published revised unofficial results on November 5.”
Halderman then concluded that a subsequent hand recount did “support the conclusion that there were no significant errors in Antrim County’s final presidential results.”
Essentially, there were gaps in software, hardware, human error, and communication between officials which led to the initial discrepancy which was corrected a short-time after.
Halderman’s analysis was a response to the findings of Dallas-based cybersecurity company Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG).
ASOG has Republican ties and was tapped by Bailey to conduct an analysis.
ASOG initially concluded, “Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail.”
But the analysis Halderman offered much more closely explains the discrepancies on November 5 which challenges what ASOG found.
And with a hand recount affirming Trump’s victory and it being one of the fail safes Republicans wanted — it’s baffling that Bailey and DePerno would engage in a lawsuit. It could end up drawing Dominion’s ire as the company has had no issues with suing anyone who accuses it of fraud.
Bailey and DePerno also accused the Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson of withholding records.
DePerno and Bailey will see this through until the end.
But the story in Michigan is not over — not by a long-shot.
This story wouldn’t be complete without a classic conspiracy theory involving a doctor on YouTube, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, and a gross abuse of math.
Douglas Frank, a man who claims to have a PhD in Surface Electrochemistry, has uploaded several videos which examined the 2020 elections in different states.
On the surface, Dr. Frank is well-spoken and appears to know his stuff. He’s become an authoritative figure for those who still believe the elections were rigged.
But his “Follow The Data” mantra is deceptive as he himself manipulate’s data and numbers; he also produces misleading graphs & models while forming correlations and coming to conclusions without using correct numbers.
Correspondent for The Washington Post Phillip Bump called out Dr. Frank for his deceptive use of math to fit the conclusion that there was extensive voter fraud in Michigan.
MyPillow CEO, who seemingly became a Trump-loving conspiracy theorist overnight (and who is also being sued by Dominion) is helping peddle the conspiracy alongside Dr. Frank.
In the southwest, Maricopa County, Ariz. will be shipping 2.1 million votes to the former home of the Phoenix Suns, the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, to host the recount.
Cyber Ninjas, a Sarasota, Fla.-based cybersecurity firm, along with three other companies whose will be able to scrutinize the results.
The president of the state Senate Karen Fann agreed to spend public money out of a Senate operations budget for the review.
Despite criticisms from Republicans and Democrats — Fann insists the audit is to “restore integrity to the election process” and would be independent and transparent.
The Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers, a Republican, said in an email that the Arizona Senate cannot use their facilities. “To avoid any confusion, I want to be clear that the audit is not a joint effort between the County and the Senate Republican Caucus.”
Coincidentally, the founder of Cyber Ninjas, Doug Logan who endorsed the idea that the 2020 election was fraudulent in a series of now-deleted Tweets is listed as a potential expert witness in the lawsuit in Antrim County.
The audit must occur sometime during April 19 to May 14 which is the allotted time for the Legislature to house the ballots.