The FD-1023 Form Scandal is Old News
Republicans are sticking to the Biden Crime Family plot even if it includes recycling old talking points.
The revival of Joe & Hunter Biden’s alleged bribery
FBI agents recorded unverified reporting from a confidential human sources (CHS). The link to the FD-1023 form can be read here.
The CHS alleges there was a plot for both Hunter and Joe Biden to be paid $5 million in the Ukraine-Burisma corruption scandal.
Right-wing media has reported from two third-parties: The FBI has an a third-party known only to them, and the third-party feeding right-wing outlets cannot be verified.
So it’s a double shot of hearsay that should be taken with a grain of salt.
There’s a few caveats right-wing media have left out. Let’s go back to the beginning to better understand this latest development and how it pertains to the alleged Biden bribery conspiracy.
Viktor Pshonka initially launched the investigation into the Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky. The latter owns Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company who’d become embroiled in both a local and international investigation for corruption which included money laundering, tax invasion, and several other crimes.
In 2015, Viktor Shokin inherited the Burisma investigation from his predecessor. However, critics of Shokin would describe him as being an obstacle for investigations going as far as to suggest that he protected the political elite. The following year is when a $1 billion refusal for loan guarantees becomes of interest. The vice-president Joe Biden pressured former Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko, to remove Shokin.
“I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ […] He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”
This was considered suspicious timing to everyone considering Hunter Biden somehow wound up in an energy company and he had zero experience.
In May 2019, Shokin said he in fact did investigate Burisma Holdings. This would later be supported by a sworn affidavit for a court in a Austria. Shokin said, “The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors.”
However, the initial investigation stemmed from 2012, and it was only supposed to pertain to events during that time; Hunter Biden didn’t join the board until 2014. This means that Shokin expanded the scope of his investigation which contradicts a deputy prosecutor under him who said that the case had been dormant.
Shokin didn’t produce anything noteworthy after Hunter Biden joined. But he also didn’t offer paliment any evidence before Joe Biden’s ultimatum. The bribery plot fell apart after several other inconsistencies were pointed out.
The FD-1023 form does exist, but the allegations levied at the Biden’s are anything but new. The CHS is supposed to be “highly incredible” according to Fox News, but we have no idea who the person is.
The truth actually might be a lot more simpler than what is being pushed to the public.
Axios ran a story in 2020 about the $5 million bribe.
Nazar Kholodnytsky, the head of Ukraine’s national anti-corruption bureau, said that bribe had no connections to Joe & Hunter Biden.
But according to the FD-1023 form, Kholodnytsky allegedly told the CHS that this was the cost of doing business in Russia and Ukraine.
However, three people were initially detained and none of them mentioned Joe or Hunter Biden. Axios reported…
• About $5 million was allegedly offered to anti-corruption officials, while another $1 million was intended for an official acting as a middleman.
• Officials displayed plastic bags filled with the cash during Saturday’s press conference. It was the largest cash bribe ever seized in Ukraine.
• Burisma said in a statement that it had nothing to do with the bribe.
According to the CHS, Kholodnytsky allegedly held on to “17 recordings” and “many text messages” detailing that he was coerced into making bribes to the Biden’s.
That information that would be stored somewhere and someone would know of its whereabouts. So a probe would need to be re-launched. But it more than likely doesn’t exist since this was mentioned three years ago.
There are others players listed in the form such as Burisma CFO, Vadim Pojarskii, and Karina Zlochevsky (daughter of Burisma founder, Mykola Zlochevsky).
But until the CHS, physical evidence, and the other witnesses can be verified by the FBI or Ukraine officials — this story should not be taken at face-value.
There is no way of knowing if the source was credible or if they were acting on behalf of Donald Trump and another party who had their own interests.
Right-wing media is pandering to their audience with sources, witnesses, and evidence that never seems to materialize.
For example, James Comer accused the Biden’s of using multiple bank accounts to conceal the money.
However, no banks linked to Hunter or Joe Biden have been subjected to any subpoenas or investigations. As president, Joe Biden might not be able to be subpoenaed, but Hunter Biden certainly can and he should be if there’s evidence of any wrongdoing on his part.
While Hunter Biden should not have been on the Burisma board of energy — a coverup of this magnitude would span across several countries and agencies, and a lot of middlemen would have to be silenced. It’s highly improbable.